Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Tithonia rotundifolia
Non-GMO, Open-Pollinated Mexican Sunflower Seeds
A stunning bushy flower that is not truly a sunflower, none the less exuberant! Its nature makes it an excellent border or screen, during the growing months. Known to be drought tolerant and best of all, attracts pollinators to your garden! Perfect to add in a bouquet or left adorning your yard. Loves the heat and thrives in it.
- Non-GMO
- Ornamental
- Attracts pollinators
- Border Plant
- Drought Tolerant
- Medicinal
- Annual
- Sun: Full-partial
- Indoors: 6-8 weeks before last frost
- Direct Sow: After last frost
- Seed Count: 100
- Days to Maturity: 85-90
- Plant Size: 40"-60"
- Open Pollinated
- Neonicotinoid-free
Growing Tips:
Pinch back to encourage sturdy growth. Staking may be necessary. Deadheading encouraged new growth. Keep from windy areas, provide shelter if needed. Deer resistant. Do not fertilize.
If starting seeds indoors, it is key that your new starts be hardened off. This is a process that requires taking them outside during the day, for a period of time, before they are planted. This acclimates your seedlings to the outside world, meaning the elements like the wind and sun. We do it for several weeks to a month as this strengthens their stems and overall plant structure.
- Start for a short period of time initially, then graduate to more time each day
- One week minimum is recommended
- Bring them inside in the early evening and overnight
- Keep an eye on them and constantly water them. Make sure they have not blown over.